This document, through its content, makes available to third-party users the Regulation regarding the terms and conditions of use of the sitemoncaprice.ro site. Accessing this site implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below.
The Site Administrator reserves the right to modify the contents of this Agreement at any time without prior notice from the Users, hereinafter referred to as “Users”. Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the site for consultation at any time.
The Administrator reserves the right to modify the structure and interface of any page or sub-page of the pisika.ro site at any time and at any free time, with the right to temporarily or permanently, partially or totally discontinue the services provided to the public through this website without any prior individual or general notice.
The general terms and conditions apply globally to the entire content of the site.
Thus, the following terms mean:
- Administrator – the owner or the person appointed by the owner to handle the site.
- User – person, firm, company, or other legal entity accessing the site for information, visitation or any other reason.
- Goods and Services – any product or service, including the documents and services presented on the site.
- Intellectual Property Rights (henceforth Copyright) – all intangible rights such as know-how, copyrights and copyrights, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks and domain name records for any of the above.
- Specifications – all specifications and / or descriptions of Goods and Services as specified on the site.
Under the Electronic Commerce Act no. 365 / 07.06.2002 this site represents a “service of the information society”. The information society is the owner of the store. Consequently, this store is just a graphical interface that presents to the recipient the information provided by a product provider and at the same time offers the technical means of making contact with the supplier.
By launching an electronic or telephone request on the above mentioned site, the User agrees with the form of communication (by telephone, e-mail) through which the Administrator carries out his operations.
Communication with the site and the administrator – can be done by interacting with the site, the phone numbers made available on the site or by using the site’s contact section. Site exclusions or ignored opinions or appeals containing insulting or inappropriate language will be excluded. The administrator is free to handle the information received without having to justify it.
- Visiting the site and any activity of the User (eg soliciting services and / or goods) does not imply any obligation on the part of the User. Any commercial transaction made through the site will be made only upon the express request of a User through the means of communication provided by the Administrator.
- The information presented on the site is informative and can be modified by the Administrator without prior notice. Also, for reasons of space and the consistency of the information structure, product descriptions may be incomplete, but the Administrator is endeavoring to present the most relevant and current information in order for the products to be presented appropriately.
- If the User requires services or products and goods through the Site, the Administrator may assign and / or subcontract a third party for the delivery and delivery of the products and services presented on the Site, informing the User.
- The prices presented on the site are frequently updated by the Administrator for the correct information of the Users. The prices are informative, do not create any obligation from the Users or the Administrator, and may be modified without prior notice.
- Prices are indicative and serve to inform the customer. In the site pricing section, we also show the accompanying services that can accompany a product (delivery, installation, additional settings) so that the user is informed as accurately as possible about the total costs.
The user understands the intellectual property right and will not disclose to a third party or make public (via the Internet or the media) any of the information received from the Administrator. Also, site names and graphics can not be downloaded, copied or used without the written permission of the owner.
The content of this site may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, for purposes other than those expressly permitted by law. The extraction of any information followed by any commercial use that goes beyond the scope of the private copy regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without prior written consent of the rightholder is a violation of the terms and conditions.
You also agree not to interfere with and interfere in any way with the site’s security features, with elements that prevent or restrict the use of, copy content or elements that reinforce the limits of use of the site or its content.
- We are not liable for any damages (direct, indirect or accidental) that may result from the use or inability to use the information presented on the site or any kind of errors or omissions in content that may lead to losses.
- Any attempted unauthorized access to the site and any attempted fraud will be reported to the competent authorities. An amicable settlement of any conflict between the parties will be attempted. If this is not possible, the legal provisions in the field will apply.
- The Administrator can not be held responsible for damages of any kind that the User or any third party may suffer as a result of the administrator’s performance of any of his obligations and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for loss of products .
- The Administrator assumes no responsibility and can not be held responsible for any damages arising from the use of the products and services purchased through this site for purposes other than those mentioned by the manufacturer.
All aspects that are not applicable to this Agreement will be governed by Romanian law.
The Parties agree to settle disputes arising from this Agreement amicably, taking into account the justified interests of the other Party. If disputes can not be resolved in this way, all breach of the Contract, termination, validity or interpretation issues arising from or in connection with this Agreement will be exclusively and definitively settled by the competent Romanian courts.
The terms and conditions of this agreement supersede any prior written or verbal agreements between the Parties regarding the subject of this Agreement and may be modified or exchanged only by written agreement signed by both parties.
By accessing this site you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions of use.