- The hotel day starts at 14:00 (room / check-in time).
- The hotel day ends at 12:00 (room / check-out time).
Requests for check-in or check-out at other hours are honored according to the occupancy rate of the hotel. On the last day of your stay, the hotel’s guests will release the rooms at 12:00, and luggage, if they so wish, can be deposited in the reception. Otherwise, only after the hotel’s confirmation in writing, guests can leave the room until 15: 00 and will pay an additional fee of 50 lei or if they release the room after 16:00 they will pay a fee of 30 lei / hour of delay.
The accommodation of each person is done by filling in the arrival ticket on the basis of the identity card (accommodation card).
Car parking for hotel guests is available free of charge, subject to availability. The parking capacity is 12 places and the hotel does not make reservations for parking. The hotel does not take responsibility for the cars in the private car park and for the objects left inside.
Pets are not allowed in the hotel.
We will never use personal data without prior consent. The video images are confidential.
The client is liable to the hotel for damages to other clients or hotel staff, building, furniture and equipment. The mistake / intent can be imputed to them.
All rooms are allocated based on the availability of the hotel on the day of check-in. For this reason, we can not guarantee assignment on a certain floor, adjacent rooms or a particular room. Such requests are considered to be customer preferences, which we try to satisfy within the availability limits, EXCLUDING GUARANTEE.
We reserve the right to refuse accommodation or bar services to drunk, rude or turbulent customers who, by their attitude, damage the hotel image or disturb other clients.
We reserve the right to grant bonuses and discounts for the purpose of loyalty or long stays to our clients.
Any problem, complaints or suggestions you can send by email to contact@hotelmoncaprice.ro.
The quiet program
We inform you that between 20: 00-06: 00 no behaviors are allowed that may disturb other clients.
Cleaning services
Lingerie will be changed and cleaning will be done every 2 days of accommodation. Towels will change every day of accommodation. Any additional cleaning service you can request at reception.
Final terms
We believe that any customer, when accessing any hotel service, has acknowledged the terms and conditions mentioned above and tacitly accepted them.
Hotel policy can be changed at any time without notice.
Address: Str. Anghel Alexandru nr. 22
Phone: 0723107007; 0314379709
Email: office@hotelmoncaprice.ro / rezervari@hotelmoncaprice.ro
Suggestions and complaints contact@hotelmoncaprice.ro