Hotel rooms

The hotel day starts at 14:00 (room / check-in time). The hotel day ends at 12:00 (room / check-out time). Requests for check-in or check-out at other hours are honored according to the occupancy rate of the hotel. On the last day of your stay, the hotel’s guests will release the rooms at 12:00, and...

Hotel rooms

Rooms Prices
Single Standard 110 RON
Double Standard 130 RON
Triple Standard 160 RON
Deluxe Single 140 RON
Deluxe Double 160 RON
Apartment - 2 PERS 180 RON
Apartment - 3 PERS 220 RON
Apartment - 4 PERS 260 RON
SHORT TIME - Standard 70 RON
SHORT TIME - Deluxe 90 RON
SHORT TIME - Apartment 100 RON
Delay 1 hour/ per person 30 RON
  • The hotel day starts at 14:00 (room / check-in time).
  • The hotel day ends at 12:00 (room / check-out time).

Requests for check-in or check-out at other hours are honored according to the occupancy rate of the hotel. On the last day of your stay, the hotel’s guests will release the rooms at 12:00, and luggage, if they so wish, can be deposited in the reception. Otherwise, only after the hotel’s confirmation in writing, guests can leave the room until 15: 00 and will pay an additional fee of 50 lei or if they release the room after 16:00 they will pay a fee of 30 lei / hour of delay.

The rates shown on the website http: // represent the price per room per night and includes VAT and all local taxes. Prices may change at any time without notice, but these changes do not affect confirmed reservations. Accommodation rates at Hotel Mon Caprice in Bucharest vary depending on the room chosen: Standard Room, Deluxe Room, and Apartment Accommodation.